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homing pigeon 通信鴿。

homing torpedo

Researchers at oxford university spent 10 years studying homing pigeons using global positioning satellite ( gps ) and were stunned to find the birds often don ' t navigate by taking bearing from the sun 牛津大學的研究者們花了十年的時間用全球衛星定位系統來研究信鴿。他們驚訝地發現信鴿飛行時往往不是通過太陽來辨別方向的。

A homing pigeon ' s natural solar and magnetic compasses are often less important than its knowledge of human transport routes , according to researchers at oxford university , uk 英國牛津大學研究者的調查表明,對于信鴿而言,自然界的指南針(來自太陽能和磁場方面的)經常不如它們掌握的人類交通路線知識更重要

Researchers at oxford university spent 10 years studying homing pigeons using global positioning satellite and were stunned to find the birds often do n ' t navigate by taking bearing from the sun 英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net牛津大學的研究者們花了十年的時間用全球衛星定位系統來研究信鴿。

“ but once homing pigeons have flown a journey more than once , they home in on a habitual route home , much as we do when we are driving or walking home from work , “ said guilford “但是,信鴿一旦多次飛行同一條路線時,它們就會沿著習慣的路線回家,就像我們從單位開車或走回家一樣。 ”吉爾福德說。

“ but once homing pigeons have flown a journey more than once , they home in on a habitual route home , much as we do when we are driving or walking home from work , “ said guilford 吉爾福德說鴿子在長途飛行或者第一次飛行新航線時依靠的是它們自身的導航系統。

We have talked about one of the more complex experiments that lead to the belief that homing pigeons can tell directions by the sun 我們已經討論了導致這一信念的更復雜的一項實驗,該信念認為信鴿可以憑太陽辨別方向。

Enough experiments have been done to decide that homing pigeons ( and maybe other birds ) seem to have a build - in clock 已做了足夠的實驗來證明:信鴿(也許還包括其他的鳥類)似乎身上都存在一個內在的時鐘。

Much of the study of homing pigeons leads to the idea that pigeons need the same kinds of information 對信鴿的深入研究得出了這樣結論:信鴿需要同樣種類的信息。

The mystery of the homing pigeon is in how it navigates and how it finds home 家鴿的神秘之處在于它怎么飛,怎么找到家的。

What we are talking about shows the two parts of the problem of the homing pigeon 我們談論的問題表明了信鴿問題的兩要素。

What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon 把一只啄木鳥和一只識途的鴿子融合在一起,會得到什么?

The first 300 winning pigeons and foreign homing pigeons must be auctioned 獲獎鴿前300名、境外歸巢鴿均參加拍賣。

My brother and i met up at our old house , like homing pigeons 我和哥哥在老屋門口見了面,就像兩只歸家的鴿子。

With the royal homing pigeon service 成為皇家戰鴿中的一員

Homing pigeons are bred for their ability to race home 人們喂養信鴿是因為他們能夠迅速找回家。

What do we get if we across a woodpecker with a homing pigeon 把啄木鳥和信鴿交配能得到什么?

This homing pigeon racket is all well and good , you know , 你知道嗎干信鴿這行當其實也很不錯的

Royal homing pigeon service , 4121444444697 皇家信鴿編號4121444444697

It is illegal to delay or detain a homing pigeon 耽擱或扣留傳信鴿是違法的。